Odoo Migration Services

Improved Efficiency and faster performance with Odoo Migration

Odoo Migration is basically upgrading from one platform to another, this can in the form of upgrading to latest version, migrating from legacy system to Odoo, transfering current data to newer version of ERP, and module migration. Migration is an complex process and requires utmost care. For this, you need an reliable development experts to carry out the entire Odoo migration process smoothly. We, Braincrew Apps have delivered more than 200 migration projects which includes data, legacy system to Odoo, modules and latest version migrations.

What Odoo Migration services do we provide?

Latest Odoo Version Migration

Odoo launches new version every year, and with the launch of new versions comes the newer features that helps in efficient & smoother business operations management. We can help you with version migration ranging from Odoo community version 8 to 16 and Odoo Enterprise version 9 to 16.

Legacy System to Odoo Migration

Odoo offers many benefits over many legacy ERP systems. Our team understands the complexities of migrating from outdated systems and works meticulously to ensure data integrity, minimize downtime, and maintain business continuity.

Module Migration

Migrating a module/application to specified version is called module/app migration. Migrating modules require some sort of changes in coding like python, Jquery or qweb etc and every guideliness needs to be properly followed for a smooth migration.

Why migrate to Odoo ERP?

Odoo Migration is all about moving your system to latest version, which contains improved features & functionalities. There are countless reasons and benefits why one should opt for Odoo Migration.


With the launch of new versions, Odoo rolls out new and improved ways to enhance user interactivity. With its easy to use interface and improved functionalities in every version makes it more user-friendly than the previous versions.

Security & Bug Fixing

Odoo resolves bugs and introduces new security features with its every version launch, which makes it an appropriate choice for businesses to move towards Odoo migration.


Amount of time for Odoo migration can only be determined based on the requirements and issues found.

It depends on the requirements, complexity of the project and the amount of data involved.

For those with an Odoo license, free upgrades are part of it and can save you a lot of budget & time.

Yes, we can migrate Odoo community as well as Odoo Enterprise Version.

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